The Dispatching protocol

In issue #50 Synchronous Unit Tests I described an approach on how to get rid of waiting for XCTestExpectation to be fulfilled. The approach assumes hiding an asynchronous dispatch of a block/closure of code to a GCD queue behind an abstraction layer called the Dispatching protocol.

protocol Dispatching {
    func dispatch(_ work: @escaping ()->Void)

In the production code you would implement a Dispatcher type like this:

class Dispatcher: Dispatching {

    let queue: DispatchQueue
    init(queue: DispatchQueue) {
        self.queue = queue
    func dispatch(_ work: @escaping ()->Void) {
        queue.async(execute: work) // 👈 This runs your code asynchronously on the queue

If you had e.g. a view model which needed to perform some asynchronous computations instead of calling { /* your code */ } you inject an instance of the Dispatcher and use its dispatch(:) method:

class MessagesViewModel {
    let dispatcher: Dispatching
    init(dispatcher: Dispatching) {
        self.dispatcher = dispatcher
    func load(_ callback: @escaping([Message]) -> Void) {
        dispatcher.dispatch { //NEW!
            var messages: [Message] = []
            //TODO: fetch messages in background

Running unit tests synchronously - a simpler way

In the previous post I suggested using a synchronous dispatch to a queue during a unit test run. Actually, there is a simpler approach. Thanks to the abstraction layer of Dispatching protocol you can create a stub which invokes your block of code instantly. It doesn’t have to use DispatchQueue type at all, as it was suggested in the previous post (#50 Synchronous Unit Tests).

class DispatcherStub: Dispatching {
    func dispatch(_ work: @escaping ()->Void) {

In a unit test case you create an instance of the stub and the code runs synchronously :)!

func testAtLeast1MessageOnLoad() {
    var messages: [Message] = []
    let dispatcher = DispatcherStub()
    let viewModel = MessagesViewModel(dispatcher: dispatcher)
    viewModel.load { fetched in
        messages = fetched